Friday, July 16, 2010

Say Bye For Tanning......

Friday, July 16, 2010
Here are some tips for daily tan removal. Before that, though, it is important to understand why your body tans. When your skin is exposed to sun light, it is also exposed to dangerous UV rays. To protect you from these rays, the body creates melanin, which is dark in color. This is where the dark tan comes from. So if you don’t want a tan, the first thing to do is stay out of the sun or use a suntan lotion. Of course, that isn’t always possible, so here are some tips to get rid of the tan.

  • If the tan has been there for very long, you’ll need to exfoliate the skin first.
  • You can apply buttermilk on your skin twice daily, for about 20 minutes each time. This will cool the skin and help revitalize it.
  • A mixture of tomato juice and curd can also be applied to the face or body. Tomatoes have several healing qualities, and curd has millions of good bacteria that help the skin glow.
  • Potato juice is also very effective in removing a tan. You can extract juice from a raw potato, mix a few drops of lemon in it, and apply this mixture on the skin. Leave on for about 20 minutes and wash off.
  • Another mixture that works well is lemon and aloe vera. You can buy an aloe vera cream or gel, and mix a few drops of lemon juice in it.
  • For dark patches, you can make a mixture of one part honey with two parts lemon juice and apply only to the affected area for 20 minutes. Don’t apply lemon all over your face, as this can sting.
  • While this is too long a process to do everyday, you can occasionally make a paste of gram flower with milk and a little lime juice. Apply this to your face and arms, and any other parts you wish to lighten.
  • Other natural remedies include almond paste, mint leaves, oatmeal paste, and almond oil.
  • Remember to drink a lot of water, and include a lot of tomatoes and green healthy veggies in your diet.