Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Types Of Cancers That Specially Strike Men's Health..

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No man is invincible, especially when it comes to health. Learn to detect and defend against the cancers most likely to attack men, and you'll be able to take the disease head-on if it strikes—and increase your chances of beating it.

Early signs: Usually there are none. A digital rectal exam can tell if your prostate is hard or irregular, and cancer is suspected with a high PSA (prostate specific antigen) level.
False alarms: Urination problems—frequency, urgency, slow stream, incomplete emptying—can be related to prostate enlargement or narrowing of the urethra.
The test: A biopsy if the PSA is high or its rate of change is high. But a spiked score can also be a sign of infection, which should be treated with antibiotics for 4 weeks. The cancer grows slowly; waiting isn't dangerous, says Christopher Saigal, M.D., a urological oncologist at UCLA.

Early signs: Frequently, none. But a cough that won't go away—or one that brings up blood—is often evidence the cancer is there. Also, chest pain that's always present and not influenced by movement, says Ezra Cohen, M.D., a medical oncologist at University of Chicago Medical Center.
False alarms: Pneumonia. On a chest x-ray, both pneumonia and a tumor look white. The pneumonia will resolve, but you'll need another x-ray 4 to 6 weeks later.
The test: Biopsy.

Early signs: Blood in the stool. Never ignore it, even if it's a one-time occurrence. It could be a precancerous polyp leaking blood, and bleeding is the only early warning you'll receive. In more than half of cases, there is no sign, says Greg Enders, M.D., Ph.D., a gastroenterologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center.
False alarms: In men under 50, bleeding is probably from hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, colitis, or an abnormal blood vessel. Still, see a doctor.
The test: A colonoscopy allows the doctor to check for large and small problems and remove polyps in the same procedure.

Early signs: Blood in the urine, which should always be checked, although if you're younger than 60, it's often a sign of kidney stones. Most bladder cancer only affects the lining. If it is caught early, it can be beaten, says Brian Rini, M.D., an oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute.
False alarms: An overactive bladder or painful urination is more often a sign of an infection.
The tests: A scope through the penis to look at the bladder and a urine test that detects cancer cells.

Early signs: Painless, swollen lymph nodes in your neck, armpit, or groin. Nodes swell with infections, but if they don't subside in a week, have them checked. Also, unexplained weight loss over 1 or 2 months, pain in the node area after drinking alcohol, or generalized itching with swelling (without rash) could be cause for concern, says Cleveland Clinic oncologist John Sweetenham, M.D.
False alarms: Nodes can swell because of an infection.
The test: A blood test can occasionally pick up something, but a biopsy of the node is more thorough.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

20 Minutes OF Workout Can Change Your LIfe Want To Know More Go Through This...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Ready to lose inches and gain better health? Pick a 20-minute workout that's right for you with these exercises adapted from YOU: On a Diet, YOU: The Owner's Manual, and YOU: Being Beautiful. They focus on your foundation muscles -- the ones that tighten your belly, shrink your waist, improve your posture, and help you fit into your clothes better.

Start by doing this: Walk 30 minutes a day. No excuses.

Once you're walking every day, do this: No Equipment Workout.

For this workout, you really need only two things, and both are free: your body and the know-how to use it. Trainer Joel Harper will guide you through it in this 20-minute workout video.

As you get stronger, try these: resistance bands or weights.

Do it every other day: Aim to do 20 minutes, three times a week, ideally every other day.

As with any workout, use caution: At first, you may be able to do each move only a few times; later on, you'll easily manage to do many more. Don't overdo it. Never increase activity by more than 10% a week, take precautions to avoid injury, drink plenty of water, and be aware of your environment. Above all, check with your doctor before you begin any fitness program.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Natural Home Remedies For Basic Problems Faced By Us In Day To Day LIfe..

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Natural Home Remedies For Hot Flashes:
It is not uncommon in women, these days to have hot flashes. Heat flashes treatment too is well defined. Hormone replacement therapy was one of the best and well known treatment methods till recently, but researches have proved that HRT might cause detrimental effects in the life of women after undergoing the same. As a matter of fact, it is wise to choose home remedies for hot flashes and it has to be repeatedly stated that they are extremely effective.
1. All triggering substances should be avoided, doesn’t matter whether it is a stimulant or depressant. Stimulants will result in increasing the blood pressure levels and any stimulant will cause the body to flush. Very decreased production of estrogen might cause hot flushes and in case of stimulants, the chances are obviously, doubled.
2. Wearing loose clothes made of cotton can be considered as the simplest of all natural home remedies for hot flushes. Cotton clothes helps lose sweat and calm down.
3. If regular exercises are made a practice, this could help in hot flashes treatment. A more exercised body remains at a more active level and maintains the body at a slightly higher temperature when compared to a non-exercised body. This is one of the best home remedy for hot flushes.

Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure:
High blood pressure (HTN) is commonly seen in people of all ages. High blood pressure levels of human body is attributed to modern and stressful lifestyle, disorganized way of leading life, irregular levels of food intake, diet, etc. However, home remedies for high blood pressure can be practiced for a better tomorrow.
1. One of the best natural home remedy for high blood pressure is a common and proven fact of honey. Honey, mixed with water is a good medicine to have early in the morning to reduce blood pressure levels of body.
2. A combination of two to three spoons of onion juice with two to three spoons of honey is also a good home remedy which greatly helps in lowering high blood pressure.
3. When discussing about home remedies for high blood pressure, the role of gooseberries can’t be overlooked. Combination of gooseberries with honey is another ingredient which plays a crucial role in defining your tomorrow.
4. Apart from that, water melon seeds, which are dry can be powdered and mixed with one to two spoons of water. This is also an excellent method for blood pressure treatment.
High blood pressure (HTN) is commonly seen in people of all ages. High blood pressure levels of human body is attributed to modern and stressful lifestyle, disorganized way of leading life, irregular levels of food intake, diet, etc. However, home remedies for high blood pressure can be practiced for a better tomorrow.
1. One of the best natural home remedy for high blood pressure is a common and proven fact of honey. Honey, mixed with water is a good medicine to have early in the morning to reduce blood pressure levels of body.
2. A combination of two to three spoons of onion juice with two to three spoons of honey is also a good home remedy which greatly helps in lowering high blood pressure.
3. When discussing about home remedies for high blood pressure, the role of gooseberries can’t be overlooked. Combination of gooseberries with honey is another ingredient which plays a crucial role in defining your tomorrow.
4. Apart from that, water melon seeds, which are dry can be powdered and mixed with one to two spoons of water. This is also an excellent method for blood pressure treatment.
Natural Home Remedies For Acne Cure

Natural Home Remedies For Acne Cure:
Acne can be considered as a skin disorder which is a result of action of hormones which lead to white or black pores on the skin. In most of the cases, acne is an outcome of bad or irregular habits such as excessive intake of fat and bad diet, irregular sleeping times, irregular eating times, etc. However, there are numerous home remedies for acne cure at your disposal.
1. One of the best home remedy for acne cure is the application of groundnut oil and lemon. One table spoon of ground nut oil, when mixed with one table spoon of lime juice, while prove to be an excellent mixture for self treatment of pimples.
2. Apart from that, a ripened tomato can be made into a semi paste fluid and can be applied on face. If you make it a daily practice for one hour, pimples are sure to disappear within a week’s time, and that’s why this is such a great natural remedy for acne cure.
3. Aloe Vera is widely accepted and considered as one of the best and latest ways of dealing with acne. Easily, this is the pick of all home remedies for acne cure. Different soaps and gels are made from Aloe Vera and these have proved to be the best ever solutions for perfect acne cure.

Home Remedies For Restless Leg Syndrome:
Restless leg syndrome can be considered as one of the serious conditions since, people dealing with restless leg syndrome will always have an urge to move all the time and they find great difficulty in keeping their legs rested. However, home remedies for restless leg syndrome are there, and these are worth trying to get relief from what is known as a modern century disorder.
1. When you are in trouble with your leg at bed time, a natural remedy for restless leg syndrome is to walk for some time and then go to bed, so your legs will not tend to move for some time.

2. Consumption level of caffeine has to be analyzed as caffeine containing eatables and liquids will urge motion of legs. Apart from that, excessive intake of medicines will also increase caffeine consumption.
3. Altering the temperature to which your body is subjected to, can be considered as one of the good home remedy for restless leg syndrome.
4. Try keeping a heated pack on your legs for restless leg syndrome relief.
5. If that doesn’t work out, cool your legs with ice cubes. Analyze what changes it brings to your legs.
6. One of the effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome includes a very important way of habituating a strict bed time. This could help your body and mind relax, all the time.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lack Of Vitamin 'D' Can Lead You To High Blood Pressure As Well As To Death..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Health Discussion On How Important Health Is, And How Our Moden Day To Day Life Style Is Destroying It...

Good Health Habits Part 1: Diet and Nutrition:
These good health habits are important; after all, as the saying goes, you are what you eat! Understanding nutrition, food and diet is thus important. You could also learn more through our many nutrition health articles.

Filter your source of drinking water:
Our water supplies are contaminated with various chemicals, while chlorine and fluoride are also carcinogens. Distilled or Reverse Osmosis would be ideal. If you can't afford those, a simple ceramic carbon filter is better than nothing.

Preferably, filter your shower water too, as the pores on our skin absorb a lot of the chlorine which is in it.

Drink more water:
Water is critical to good health. Our bodies are over 80% water! Water carries out many functions in the body -- it lubricates, carries nutrients, flushes toxins, cools, etc. Many diseases have been linked to dehydration or lack of water. Sodas, coffee, alcohol etc do not count; in fact, these are harmful beverages which actually dehydrate your body. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices as well as herbal teas are good. This is perhaps THE most important of this list of good health habits.

Go vegan:
There are different schools of thought as to whether humans are meant to eat meat, and whether going vegan would result in any nutritional deficiencies. Personally, I believe that we do not need meat -- after all, there are millions of healthy and strong vegetarians in the world (Click here to learn more about the numerous health benefits of vegetarian diets). In fact, vegetarians live longer than meat eaters. Eating animal flesh contributes to a long list of diseases -- heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, among others. This is partly due to the fat in animal flesh as well as the fact that our bodies generally find it difficult to digest meat. To make things worse, commercially-farmed animals today are bred in terrible living conditions (e.g. they are not able to roam around freely or get any sunshine), injected with hormones to make them grow faster, fed dubious food (e.g. diseased animal parts), injected with and fed drugs and steroids when they fall ill, and their flesh is chemically processed in order to keep longer. I don't want to be eating all this rubbish. If you choose not to go vegan, then at least eat less meat, or look for organic meat.

Eat a variety of whole and natural foods
Whole foods have many health benefits. For example, they contain more nutrients and fiber than processed foods. The nutrients in whole foods are also better assimilated by the body. By eating a variety of whole foods, we would thus be getting all the different nutrients which we need; try to have a colorful diet - i.e. fruits, vegetables, beans, etc of different colors. Processed foods, on the other hand, are unnatural and often contain a load of chemical additives and preservatives. Our modern day diets are a disastrous combination of too much processed foods and very little whole foods.

Eat organic:
Commercially farmed vegetables and fruits are often genetically modified or sprayed with chemical pesticides. We are ingesting all these harmful toxins every day, at every meal, and the buildup causes disease in the long run. Eating organic reduces our intake of these poisons. Organic produce also contains more nutrients, which are natural and thus better assimilated by our bodies. Click here to read more about the health benefits of organic food.

Eat more raw foods:
Raw foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, have many health benefits. For example, they contain more nutrients, enzymes and photo chemicals than cooked foods. They also have an unexplainable factor, the "life" factor -- these are living foods obtained fresh from nature; seeds, for example, have the potential to grow into huge plants and trees. Cooked foods are often devoid of or lacking in nutrients and difficult for our bodies to digest. In fact, there has been research which states that, after consuming a cooked meal, our bodies' immune system goes into overdrive to try and combat the large amount of toxins being produced! Many people actually advocate fully raw diets. The reality is that cooked foods generally taste better, and would be difficult to give up. The more raw you can eat, the better.

Drink some fresh fruit and / or vegetable juice everyday:
Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are power-packed nutritional blasts -- they contain many vitamins, minerals, enzymes and photochemical essential for good health. Because the juice has been removed from the food fiber, the nutrients are more absorbable by the body, and the body is also saved the effort of digestion. In addition, the juices is a source of water for the body.

Take a whole food supplement:
Our soils today are depleted, and even organically grown foods do not contain as much nutrients as they once did. Further, our bodies are subject to more stress and toxin intake today than they ever were. Thus, I believe some form of supplementation is necessary. However, I don't like vitamin and mineral pills because I have my doubts about the sources of these nutrients. Some of them have been found to originate from waste metals and even sewage sludge! I prefer my nutrients to come from natural foods, grown within nature. Barley grass , alfafa grass, wheat grass , spirulina -- these are some of the more popular ones. I take one which mixes a few of these foods, termed nature's "super foods".

Avoid poison and toxic intake in your food:
Avoid foods with unnatural and chemical additives, preservatives, coloring and flavoring. Learn to read food labels. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugar and all kinds of drugs. These substances weaken you and accumulate in your body, causing long-term harm.